Interview with Vendor of the Month - Kaleya

Aug 15, 2020 at 08:54 pm by gToon


The Vendor of the Month for August 2020 is


We congratulate Kaleya for earning the Vendor of the Month. She is a talented and prolific vendor with over 800 3D figure assets and models for sale. Kaleya focuses primarily on clothing, but she also has a lot of great props in her store. Since joining Renderosity in 2004 she has acquired over 1,400 followers and LOTS of customers. We love her keen fashion sense which she brings to every creation.

Kaleya also has an cool gallery with lots of interesting female portraits. She's donated to the Free Gallery and is a well-liked exclusive vendor at Renderosity

Interview with Vendor of the Month - Kaleya

You have a real gift for clothing design and fashion: how did you develop this skill? When did you start getting interested in fashion?

Kaleya: I have always been interested in clothing creation and fashion. When I was a little girl I would design and sew clothes for my dolls. Later when I found poser I started dabbling in texture creation because I could not really afford to buy anything as I was going to art school and just a broke student so I would use textures to turn free outfits that were so generously shared by the community into designs that I wanted. From there I think making my own clothing was just a natural progression.

What is the typical workflow on one of your clothing creations?

Kaleya: I start with an idea of the type of clothes I want to make, sometimes it is something I saw in the real world or a fashion magazine, sometimes something out of my own head. Usually even the items based on real life clothing tend to stray from the original design. Once I have the design in mind I create the model, usually starting with the basic shape in Marvelous Designer or Hexagon, then I move to Zbrush where I refine it, add details etc. Once the model is ready I rig it, add JCMs and morphs then the final step is textures before I do the promo renders.

What tools do you use for design and creation?

Kaleya: Marvelous Designer, Hexagon, Zbrush for modeling. Photoshop, Blacksmith, Zbrush for texturing. Filter Forge for making texture tiles sometimes.

You have so many great pieces in your store. I’m particularly fond of your halloween creations. Can you tell us about them?

Kaleya: I love Halloween. It is my favorite time of the year so making the Halloween style stuff is fun for me. I take inspiration for it from many places, horror movies which I am a huge fan of, fairy tales, and stories. Anything can spark my ideas for a Halloween creation. Costumes are a lot of fun to make and render. I think the Witch costumes I have made are probably my favorites. You can do so many different ideas with a witch.

What are your future projects for your store?

Kaleya: I just finished up a dress inspired by Fairy tale characters which will be released sometime this month. I am working on a couple of more contemporary outfits and I have plans for a nice gothic set sometime this month or early next month as well.

How has Renderosity made a difference in your life as a creator?

Kaleya: I was surprised when I uploaded my first pack that it was accepted to be honest, not that it was bad but compared to the masters at that time it was pretty basic. I will always appreciate Renderosity for being willing to give me that chance to become a vendor and learn and grow with them. Without that chance I probably would be doing something else and not this.

Through out my time with Renderosity I have sold at other markets, though not anymore I only sell at Renderosity now. No other place where I have had stores have been so helpful with questions and issues as the staff at Renderosity. Jenn and Rena really go out of their way to help us be as successful as we can be.

Be sure to visit Kaleya store to see more of her excellent work and view the video gallery above.

Tags: kaleya vendor of the month interview VOM
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