Artist of the Month for November is MioraaNyte

Nov 01, 2020 at 12:28 pm by gToon


bio by MioraaNyte

The Artist of the Month for November 2020 is


Renderosity members have voted MioraaNyte the Artist of the Month for November 2020. MioraaNyte has been a member since 2016. She has over 52 followers who love to read her stories and the accompanying illustrations. In her personal page bio she writes:

Recently became intrigued with the story line and lore of Star Wars: The Old Republic, so I decided to write a continuing saga with one ofmy SWTOR game characters as the main protagonist.

Darth Nox, a.k.a. Zefaara Kallig Nar... a woman born into slavery, but through sheer chance and her own determination, became a member of the Sith Empire's ruling Dark Council... and rightfully earning the title: Dark Lord of the Sith.

Throughout the story line, various other characters I play In SWTOR will become part of her entourage and play pivotal roles in the saga. So grab your lightsaber, snuggle up with your favorite Jawa and hang on... it's gonna be a hell of a ride!


We are currently conducting a short interview and creating a video gallery of writing from MioraaNyte's gallery.

Visit MioraaNyte renderosity gallery and read her latest series "So It Begins".

Tags: AOM Artist of the Month MioraaNyte
Sections: Featured Community Archives