Starting a New Cartoon Animator Project
For the second half of this 12-week series, I'll be working on a personal creative project using CTA 5. I've decided to move away from my original project of Vector character creation and, instead, try out a Monty Python-style animation scene (short). I'm doing this mostly because there are so many tutorials at Reallusion and on YouTube that covers the vector character creation process, but literally nothing on creating a stop-motion-style animation.
I don't plan on re-creating the Terry Gilliam stop-motion scenes, but rather I want to create a series of wordless (but not animation-less) scenes based on my recent reading of the great woodcut artist, Frans Masreel's, Passionate Journey. His "wordless novels" we the precursors of the modern graphic novel. I like that his work owes very much to silent films.
So, the goal is to prep for the project by doing research and then deciding on a style. In addition, I plan on using the main character in Passionate Journey (a young man), but adjusting his look in Gimp to look more modern. Then I will create a bone structure for three versions of the character: a front look, a side look and a one-quarter look. CTA 5 has a nice setup for creating bones using these three poses and I'm looking forward to the process.
A word on copyright: since this is a teaching series, my small use of a Masreel character is covered under fair use. Plus, Passionate Journey was published in 1919 which makes it free of copyright. FYI