Texturing a Beetle from January 5 to February 15,
2004 The theme of this workshop is to create textures for a
ready-made Cinema 4D model: Peter "DeZ" Clevestig's "Goliath
Beetle". Visit his gallery to see
a textured
version of it. You can download the Cinema 4D R8 model here :
DeZ-GoliathBeetle.zip (96 KB zipped Cinema 4D R8.2 file)
users of Cinema 4D R6 and R7 can use this modified model:
GoliathBeetle_R6.c4d.zip (720 KB zipped Cinema 4D R6
file) Create your own texture for this object using Cinema 4D's
standard texturing tools and with the help of BodyPaint3D,
Photoshop, UVmapper, Deep Paint 3D, etc... If necessary convert
some parts of the model into polygon objects. Please, don't use
ready-made bitmap textures and try to make the model look good from
every angle! The submitted image must be in JPEG format, with a
resolution of 1000x1000 pixels or less and a file size of max. 300
KB. This workshop is focused on texturing but feel free to create
an environment for this model. If you have problems or questions
don't hesitate to show your WIPs and ask for help in the
Cinema 4D
forum. A public vote will choose the most interesting
version. Have fun!
(note: this model cannot be used for
commercial renders. copyright: Peter Clevestig, 2003)