Now Voting
This is your chance to cut loose and do a little tongue in cheek
graphics to help the OT Forum get started on the right track.
Design the banner, and emoticons for the forum with the totally Off
Topic threads. Contest Rules:
- Contest Officially starts on April 1, 2002 (appropriate, no?
- Entries will be accepted from April 1 through midnight of april
- Public voting will begin on April 15th and end on midnight
April 21st.
- Winner will be announced April 22nd.
- Prizes will include: Your Banner and Emoticons used in the OT
Forum, with a link to your gallery here at Renderosity. Your choice
of either a 1 year subscription to Renderosity Magazine OR a
Softgoods Prize Package consisting of KateTheShrew's "Set of 25
blank templates for making your own tiles and trims" plus any one
of audre's textures or seamless tile softgood's items.
- Entries must include Banner AND Emoticons
- Banner and Emoticon template provided for your convenience, but
you don't have to follow those exact sizes... as long as your
banner is not larger than 150K bytes, and your emoticons are no
bigger than 15K bytes Each.
- The following Emoticons are requred as a minimum for a complete
entry (you may include more if you like): 1- Laughing/Smiling 2-
Sad/Crying 3- WOW! -- Oh! -- Surprise 4- Laughing Out Loud 5- Wink
6- Sticking Tongue Out 7- Cool 8- Grumble-Grumble/Grouch
- This will be a 'blind vote' contest in that entrants names will
be withheld until after final voting is complete.
- File formats acceptable for this contest are JPG and GIF.
Animated Gifs are very welcome.
- NO NUDITY OR VIOLANCE, these must be "G" rated for all
- Entries should NOT be used as a tool to offend others, but
instead, as a way to poke good-humoured fun at one of our very
cool, quirky and off beat forums where you will find the strangest
- Entries should be emailed to with email
message header to read: OT FORUM BANNER CONTEST ENTRY {Username},
where {Username} is your Renderosity User Name.
- Enjoy!
Special Thanks go to KateTheShrew for her generous support and
Click here to pay her gallery a visit!