Challenge Theme: "Islands of the Pacific" * Minor postwork is
allowed ie: contrast, brightness, sharpness adjustments * Click
HERE for the Theme thread in the Forum * Final entries must be
done in Vista Pro * The contest is open to all Renderosity members
* Please keep the images to a maximum of 1024 pixels by 768 pixels
and not more than 200 KB * Thumbnails should be 100 by 100 pixels
maximum * The Challenge starts the 7th day of the month and ends on
the last day of each month, Midnight Renderosity Time * Please do
not post your entries in the Gallery until AFTER the challenge is
over. * The winner picks the next months theme, subject to approval
by the challenge managers Judging / Voting * Voting will take place
on the contest page * Voting will begin on the 1st of each month
and will close on the 5th of the month * The winners will be posted
shortly after voting ends * You can only vote once * The use of
"clone accounts" for voting is strictly forbidden. * The winner
will choose the theme for the next months challenge, subject to the
approval of the challenge manager * Announcement of the winners
will take place in the Vista Pro Forum as well as on the challenge
page * In the case of a tie for first place, the challenge managers
will make the final decision. Artists grant permission to
Renderosity for the use of the submitted images for an undetermined
period of time. This is strictly for posting the image on the front
page and within the contest archives. The Artists will remain the
intellectual property holder