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Photography F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Nov 26 6:56 am)

Subject: fun w/ holga's

Mike_Panic ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 4:14 PM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:31 PM

Attached Link: v3.0

so i managed to pick up some rather old expired film this summer at a large flea market in nj, and the one roll was some 11+ year old expired b&w kodak 120 roll film... for a $1, y not buy it. 1 shot was in the 30th st train yard in philly, 3/4 of the roll while in nyc this summer w/ a friend, just walking around, a few shots of another friend taken 2 weeks after that in an apt, just goofing around, and then the last 2-3 shots were taken around me, w/ all the snow on the ground last week just to finish the roll off. 3 images are viewable enough to bother scanning and posting... ![001.jpg](



don't know what a holga is? check out this page -

bsteph2069 ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 5:14 PM

I didn't follow the link because my dialup connection is currently so SLOOOOOOWWWWW. However a holga is either the brand of a halter top, a large German lady, a large Rushan lady, or a food involving sausage. =:-) Seriously, what happened in the lower left of the pictures it looks like the film was fogged was the whold roll like this. or is it something that happened in the scanner? Otherwise the pictures seem fine. Bsteph

Mike_Panic ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 5:20 PM

Attached Link: v3.0

who knows whats up w/ the photos, most of the roll is like that, some photos arnt even useable... u gotta remember that when using 11+ year old expired film, wonky things can and will happen. a holga is a plastic toy camera, even the lens is plastic, its got 2 apeture settngs, f/8 and f/11 and one shutter speed, 1/100th give or take they shoot 120roll film, either 4x5 or 6x6 negatives... and isnt meant to b taken too too seriously, kind of like lomo's they are meant to b shot from the hip

bsteph2069 ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 5:37 PM

Ohhhhh. 120 is that smaller than 110? I recently bought some new flip flashes for my 110 which was donated to me by mom years ago. Bsteph

DHolman ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 6:17 PM

Mike - Oh man ... you're one of THOSE people. The crazy Lomo, Holga, Diane, etc. photographers. Those photographers with that slight mental embalance that makes them pick up these cameras with the questionable construction, almost inevitable light leaks and dodgy plastic-lensed optics. You gotta love it! :) I have a few fresh rolls of Tmax 400 120 film that a friend gave me. I've been thinking of snagging a Holga or Diane and trying it out. Maybe even converting one into a pinhole. Some of the things people are able to capture with these "toy" cameras really amazes me. And by the way, nice to meet you Mike! :) -=>Donald

DHolman ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 6:25 PM

Almost forgot... BSteph - 120 is larger than 35mm film. It's the film size used for medium format cameras like Hasselblads and Mamiyas. Image area can go up to 6x7 in centimeters (mostly you'll see 6x4.5 and 6x6); a 35mm frame is about 2.4x3.6 cm. -=>Donald

bsteph2069 ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 6:38 PM

Let me get this straight medium large TOY format cameras? Interesting. So how is it going? for what it's worth has anyone seen where these cameras are sold and how expensive is the film? AND how hard is it do develop this stuff? Bsteph

Mike_Panic ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 6:47 PM

Attached Link: v3.0

bsteph - not to b rude, but rather then ask a million questions, click the link that i put there in the first part of the thread... it should answer all your qeustions... and lists places to buy them (about 16-20 bux usd usuall). as for the film processing... any quality lab should do it for you... 120roll film is still shot a LOT in the industry.. btw, its not a medium large toy camera, its just a medium format - large format is something totally differant. donald - im not that crazy, but i do enjoy shooting w/ them. i have 3 lomos as well, however ive only shot one so far, my newest is a lomo supersampler. i wont give up my eos a2 for a toy camera just yet ;)

bsteph2069 ( ) posted Fri, 03 January 2003 at 7:33 PM

Sorry Mike didn't mean to appear stupid but I was having problems with my connections. As a result it is taking a LONG time to do pretty much anything. So I was reluctant to follow up the link. Thanks for the info though. I probably will follow the think when I think my connection is not so slow. Bsteph

DHolman ( ) posted Sat, 04 January 2003 at 4:30 AM

BSteph - The film isn't that expensive. Almost exactly comporable to the cost of 35mm film (and like 35mm, with different brands and types, price can increase). Just remember, it's medium format size, but it's still shooting through plastic lenses. I've also seen people shoot Dianes and Holgas with fresh film and get the kind of blowouts Mike got above (from light leaks in the camera). Still, it definetly gives an interesting look. :) Mike -'re not completely crazy then. :) I've thought of progressing from my EOS 630 to the A2/A2E or 3 (and keeping my trusty 630 as backup body). Maybe one day. :) -=>Donald

starshuffler ( ) posted Mon, 06 January 2003 at 5:37 AM

Ooooh I'm also having fun with a lomo supersampler! Crazy, Donald? Takes one to know one!!! Hehehe evilgrin.gif (*

DHolman ( ) posted Mon, 06 January 2003 at 5:42 AM

That is absolutely the scariest white eggy thing I have ever seen. If I have nightmares, I'm gonna tell on you! :) -=>Donald

starshuffler ( ) posted Mon, 06 January 2003 at 6:33 AM

evilgrin.gif Hehehehe seems the scary yellow bally thingy decided to join in on the fun! Drink milk Don. It will help with your sleep. (Unless you're lactose intolerant! heh heh) I wish I had a holga. Or a lomo kompakt auto. I have yet to post those supersampler stuff I took. (*

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