It's the abs. ;] Guess that makes it your return off the serve, Jeff? ;] Btw, on a well conforming item what it's supposed to simulate shouldn't matter - armor or cloth - in Poser 4. This isn't soft body dynamics. If it conforms well, it should follow normal human body movements *including* acceptable twist/bend/side to side without tears or crushes. It may look funny in plate mail, but I can run any number or Xurge's armor suits through normal poses without tearing and crushing. Ditto for items from lot of people. You are not doing Rosity nor the store here any favors by digging yourself in deeper with tricky render games trying to cover the testing hoseup, we can do this untill one of us loses patience. Actually, you can - I already did and went over your head. It didn't take a tall reach.
"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the
same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now
that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"