bijouchat, many thanks for going out your way, taking me to school. I used the tutorial to greatly improve both my hair and eyelash transparency.The fix on the eyes was easy once I understood what the problem was.After a lot of messing around, at a distance you can't tell if the eyeball layer is there or not.I'll probably use the shortcut and just delete the eyeball mesh from now on.Anyway here is what I did to get rid of the blackeyes in case someone needs it in the future. Carrara 2 Blackeyes in Victoria 2 fix Import object as a vertex primitive create a polymesh per material In the Vertex Modeler under the Selection drop down choose Select By Name in the popup choose the eyewhite polymesh under the Selection drop down choose Move in the Move Vertices popup set "Y"= -0.001 this nudge will move the eyewhite mesh back away from the eyeball mesh eliminating the black in the eye caused by the two meshes intersection . Jaager,Mateo,Bijouchat many thanks for helping out a newbie.