Things did not go well with the Manikkin. I tried it on eleven outfits: Anton's Egytpians; Bat's Kawa Rev4 and Fetish Gear; Daz's Dresscoat Italia, Popstar, and Period Dress; Rubio's Dress 20; RDNA's Pinky Dress; and PoserWorld's, Waitress, Picnic Dress and Tight Evening Dress. I can post other pics if it will help. Since the morph is attached to the hip and not to the body, the Tailor does not make it one body morph where you turn one dial like with the V3 morph. And the results were not good. The hip and abdomen morphs are so small and out of place that they disappear from the front. The thigh morph seems to distort that part of the object. The chest morph seems to do well but the lower arm, shoulder, and collar end up too low. The shoes end up spread outside her feet. The V3 pose file doesn't help even when applied to Koshini and the clothes. A new pose file to raise the Y-axis on the shirt or top of the outfit and to move the footwear in on the X-axis might help. That is beyond me. Any suggestions anyone?