Mother Ship Specs. First of all the ship is Morpho Genetic which means it can take on any shape we want it to be. The picture shows our ship in flight and when it does it has this Travel Shape. This is the form it has when we are moving. It allows The Pilot to navigate with great precision. The Mother ship has NOT the ability to CLOAK. This is a very old fashioned way of distracting enemies. By changing (morphing) the shape it will be a part of the surroundings and as such very hard to spot! The High Commanders permission is needed to morph the outside appearance of the ship. The interior is fully changeable by each member of the crew as long as it is his/her working/resting place. So the cook decides how the kitchen will look and function and the Arms Officer shapes the guns etc. The Nurse forms sickbay and the Pet Taker models the cats quarters. The reason there are no windows is because we dont need the fight on who gets The Window Seat. Everybody can look outside by means of a plasma monitor (standard issue 17) The High Commander has a monitor of 22 (of course). Also we prevent heavy waving/breathing and screaming to friends and family when we take off ;-) The little thing floating behind the cockpit is The Egg. It has different functions and we will name a few; 1: Remote controlled camera and probe for hostile environments. 2: Quarantine unit to lock up unfriendly aliens so we will not have to take them on board. (This future is handy when there is some need to explore obvious dangerous places) The inmates can do the probing for us ;-) Note: The Egg will not morph into another shape!!! Only its colour and texture will change into the new Morph of the ship. Sometimes it will be necessary to hide it behind The Mother Ship avoiding detection!! Greetz and Hugs: JayJay