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Renderosity Forums / Poser - OFFICIAL

Welcome to the Poser - OFFICIAL Forum

Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 18 2:45 pm)

Subject: Please tell me what you think.

Shoshanna ( ) posted Mon, 28 April 2003 at 9:11 AM ยท edited Wed, 18 December 2024 at 10:55 PM


I have just posted an image in the gallery, and I really think it's the best thing I've ever done. I have just discovered dodge and burn :-) This is part of the image, I would really appreciate it if anyone would go and have a look at the whole thing and tell me what they think of it. I painted the skin textures on in Photoshop Elements after rendering it. I'd really love to know if they are okay. I also modelled the quilt myself (my first proper creased fabric item, and used a texture map I made for the cover. My image is called "I miss my love, it's lonely without her" To anyone who will critique it for me, thank you in advance. Shanna :-)

ladynimue ( ) posted Mon, 28 April 2003 at 9:16 AM

Lovely image Shanna - Made me misty :{ Only one suggetion I would make - you might want to reduce your upload size a tad. Thanks so much for sharing this with us :) ladynimue

Shoshanna ( ) posted Mon, 28 April 2003 at 11:51 AM

Sorry, I uploaded it big, so it would be easier to see anything I can improve on. I've made it a bit smaller :-) Thanks for looking. Shanna :-)

AlleyKatArt ( ) posted Mon, 28 April 2003 at 3:20 PM

That skin is surprisingly realistic!

Kreations By Khrys

tasquah ( ) posted Tue, 29 April 2003 at 4:21 AM

its pretty good Shoshanna. It is a bit big hehe . I think the ghosty images are to close to the main guy and way to big . I can think of a few things i would try. Make them smaller and over his head to the right. Me i would use the image as a picture in a frame and put it in his hand . like a 8 X 10 size . Then i would make a ghosty image of her like a amgle reaching out and laying her hand on his shoulder or something . Make her fairly hard to see not to crisp and lots of glowy light. But still transparent.

Shoshanna ( ) posted Tue, 29 April 2003 at 3:52 PM

Thank you. Those are good suggestions :-) I think I must be running my monitor a bit darker than most people, as the 'memory' figures were hard to see on my monitor. Shanna :-)

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