Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 11:01 am)
Many thanks for the post Katherine. Don't mind the barkers / they'll never be satisfied comlpetely. 1. Never had a crash after SR2.1 2. Looking forward to the improved speed and faceroom. 3. Any other improvement : I see them as a bonus. Just two questions(if you can spare the time) a) Can the faceroom use Posette now? b) Will there be an improved Judy around sometime? Best regards from Belgium, Tony
Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,
P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game
"Do not drive
faster then your angel can fly"!
Katherine, Thanks for "stepping in", and I agree that too much "speculation" has been generated "before SR3 has a chance to be released." But please take that as a sign of our desire for the product that we were PROMISED in Poser 5. And our frustration at the time it seems to be taking to get anywhere close. "(as Casamerica notes of 8 months from the original release though a couple months after SR2.1)" Actually, it will be exactly 5 months - not a couple - since SR-2.1 (12/06/02) by the time that SR3 is available. So given a couple of more releases on similar time scales, we'd be speculating early 2005 for completion of bug fixes? That's too far away to be taken seriously as Casamerica noted. We anticipated that SR3 would be the definitive release, so many of us were - basically - surprised that your list of fixes was so short, and indeed covered predominately specialised items in Poser, not the mainstream heavily used items used by all: file handling, posing, rendering speed, etc. (with the noted exceptions of file loading peformance enhancements, and the fix to update Material file locations). Drawing conclusions on how well the listed fixes work is total speculation, as you rightly say. But the majority of the responses to your earlier thread were related to items NOT listed in your posting. We are rightly, IMHO, concerned that unlisted fixes will not be fixed - at least in SR3. Isn't that the only reasonable conclusion for us to draw in the absence of other information? The only other possibility is that CuriousLabs has included a significant number of these fixes to pre-Poser 5 and Poser 5 problems, but has chosen not to list them because .... That one is REALLY hard to get behind, don't you see? If, OTOH, the "couple of items not listed" are substantial, like memory management, recompilation with current Windows File Dialogs, restored accuracy in parameter dials, etc., and are not being listed in case they are not ready in time for SR3 release; then PLEASE hold up the release until they are ready to go, so that they do get in this release. (And if that's not the case, does it really make any difference if we rant now, or when SR3 is released? ;-) To be really clear where I'm coming from, I have P4, I bought P5 because I had a choice between P5 and P4ProPack. I didn't need the interfaces to LW, etc., but wanted the multi-pane view, python, setup room, etc. Poser 5 was supposed to also have the Poser 4 bugs addressed, the balance of the ProPack features, and was the later product so it seemed the better buy. Now I would just like to be able to use it at P4/ProPack level on the same 1GHz/1GB system, to do what I can currently do in Poser 4, and without a majority of the bugs that plague 4-year-old Poser 4. Is that unreasonable? If so why? Is it also not unreasonable for me to expect that after 8 months? Please note that my stated requirements do NOT include a single Poser 5 specific feature! I cannot think that I have placed the bar unreasonably high. But it sure looks from here that that is still going to be too high for Poser 5 SR3.
Also I want a "Make Art" button damn it! That should be real easy to do. All kidding aside, the new CL has been a lot more cards to the chest than the old one. You closed down the beta forum and I haven't seen much on feedback or even bug report ability. Plus, as some people pointed out, some of the complained about bugs are very obvious and shouldn't require months to fix like the forgetful open dialog boxes etc. I know you have focuses and promises, I'm an engineer myself. I guess we all need to wait for the SR3 before worrying.
** Steps on Soapbox ** vilters, Can you render a 180-frame animation at 250 x 250 (very small) without Poser 5 freezing up? If so, then please share your secret to success. Im not trying to be a smart a**, but just because you do not experience any problems, it does not mean that other users are just * blowing smoke *. Some people just push a program to its limits and expect it to perform. Is it too much to ask for a product you purchased? ** Steps off soap box and tries to wait patiently for SR3 to see if the memory leaks are fixed. **
No secret.. Using XP, Athlon 1800, 512M RAM
Took about four days, if anyone's interested. Firefly engine: raytraced shadows enabled, with refractive effects. Probably would have taken just two days if I'd kept Poser running continuously, but this is my only machine, and I had other things to do.
Not this time. The dance studio animations were done in Pro Pack (all reflections were faked).
No dancing or music in this one ... just putting the Predator cloaking device through its paces. Karma didn't want anything else to do with it after the initial tests, so I persuaded Tasha to "volunteer."
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Hi, I'm posting this as a new message in addition to help those read who may not return to the original SR3 Status thread. I have to step in here. There's too much speculation being generated in this thread when SR3 has not had a chance to release or be used. Ive explained that my list of items within SR3 exclude a couple of items. I understand the anxiousness (as Casamerica notes of 8 months from the original release though a couple months after SR2.1) but please let me correct some assumptions. #1, the Japanese and Macintosh release will have the development work WITHIN these release(s). Our partner in Japan has a staff of engineers that work closely with our team to double up on development work needed for localization as one example. A comment above makes it sound as though J and Mac will release without further development. I thought what I wrote was clear, but I think maybe too vague. Any further type of service release of Poser 5 PC will INCLUDE the fixes that both the J and Mac installers will have (again from the development in affect now). What I wrote to address future service releases after SR3..... I gave you my personal view that there will likely be more service releases ahead. I hope Ive been able to maintain not making company statements until I felt it was factual which I will continue to do. The absence of making the statement for future service release on behalf of CL does not mean that it's due to the absence of thought within the company. In other words.. the release of the SR3 will not mean that the development work for Poser will stop. We appreciate your feedback but I please ask that you let us get SR3 out, and allow yourselves the time to have the chance to use this release to see improvements many want and need. The issue's reported in majority will continue within development of Poser if you find they are still present after using SR3. With kind regards, Katherine