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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 18 2:45 pm)

Subject: WIP Feed back and advise from all you character creating masters out there.

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 8:53 AM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 3:37 AM


I have been working long and hard on this Cute Gent but I am half blind over it, I know it is close but not close enough. Using Mike two and a modified Mario of Catharine's. Help me please, pick it apart. and any suggestions would help. any and all advise gratefully accepted. Tony

AlleyKatArt ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:06 AM

That's eerie. Try making his jaw/cheeks a bit wider, and see if you can do something about getting some of the wrinkles he has? Especially those /right/ around the jawline, since they're so noticeable...

Kreations By Khrys

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:22 AM

Thanks for the feed back. now, erie in a good way or bad ;) Tony

electroglyph ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:30 AM

Make the eyes a little bit wider. The face could be a little bit rounder or more heart shaped. I'm not sure which will affect the cheekbones less. Excellent work!

_dodger ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:49 AM

The indent under the centre of the brow is a bit too strong on your figure, and the tip of the nose should be smoother and rounder. He has less wrinkles on his forehead (based on the pic) and more around his jawline where it meets the neck.

_dodger ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:50 AM

Oh, yeah -- thin the upper eyelid near the nose -- Shoveler guy there has heavy eyelids on the outside for that slightly sleepy look, but they aren't heavy on the half near the nose.

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 9:53 AM

Cool! this helping a lot, thanks. And MORE!!! :)

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 10:03 AM

With some of the limits to mikes mesh I think I'm also gonna have to work on bump or displacement map as well to get the finer details. Frustrating as it may be this has also been quite fun and challenging. tony

JetM ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 10:46 AM

yeah, it's not exact, but kudos to you, man. That's pretty cool. Looks like the texture map's eyebrows are closer together than the real guy's.

pdxjims ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 11:21 AM

Tony, It looks almost dead on. The texture is too dark though. Either pull it into Photoshop and adjust the hue and lightness (just a tad), or try making the ambient settings lighter. A little too much wrinkle on the forehead and under the eyes. It sort of makes him look like he's been sunburned instead of his usual pale sexy look. The upper lip is a little too long, but not by much. Although we are nitpicking a little. I'd recognize him from your work so far. Excellent job!

Chailynne ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 11:29 AM

I think it's really looking great so far. Maybe try to shorten the space between the eyes and the mouth... ie shorten the nose and move everything upwards a bit. The bottom half of his face is to long. Maybe make the bottom lip a little thinner. I'd like to see him when you get done. I've always thought he was cute too. LOL

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 11:52 AM

Quote from PDXJIMS: It sort of makes him look like he's been sunburned instead of his usual pale sexy look. I'm glad I not the only one who thinks that way LOL I am gonna start working on the texture map and bump/displacement. Chailynne; actually I have his eyes moved down about as far as I can, and his nose raised as far as I can. Mike mesh gets this real bad distortion that I cant seem to get rid of even at this hight, I have to post it out. I think it his nose ridge folding on itself. I'm just glad people think he is recognizable.

tonymouse ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 11:54 AM

Oh and Please Nit pick away, anybody who know's my work knows that detail is very important to me. The pickier you are now the happier I'll be later.

FishNose ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 12:23 PM

That's very, very good. You could try making the face a bit wider at the temples/cheekbones, would give you a little more space to move his eyes apart a tiny bit and make them a little bit bigger. It's difficult to say, what with the vastly different lighting, but it seems you might have the eye sockets a bit too deep.

queri ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 2:10 PM

I wouldn't try to go for the blown-out lighting in the source picture or we,um, I mean you will have probs lighting him. I've seen Macy look almost that dark in indoor scenes. All the comments were accurate-- Id concentrate on the nose rounder and some jowels if possible in the mesh-- I know the limititations of up and down on MIke. I knew him first thing before noticing the companion pict. Amazing job so far. Emily

Lawndart ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 4:45 PM

Attached Link:

Not too much I can add based on the great input you've been getting. A couple of things I noticed: Looks like his eyes should be slightly larger. I also noticeed the shape of his nose. I looks like it should be wider at the nostrils and slightly wider at the bridge of the nose (just above the nostrils. You may want to make the end of his nose (nostrils and point) a little bit flatter. It looks like W.H. Macey may have been a boxer before an actor. :) Very nice stuff. It is really looking good. All the best, Joe

Lawndart ( ) posted Mon, 05 May 2003 at 4:50 PM

Attached Link:

I guess there is a little bit more I can add as a suggestion. His ears need to be a little bit more pointy and moved outward on the top like an elf. Cheers, Joe

mheldt ( ) posted Wed, 07 May 2003 at 12:32 AM

Nose tip is 90 degrees rotated.

_dodger ( ) posted Wed, 07 May 2003 at 4:45 AM

Urr? Mike's nose doesn't do that. Only my Cerebus figure does that as far as I know.

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