In the previous post's screenshot, notice the gold jewelry hanging from the belt. Those things are actually supposed to hold up the blue sash that hangs down the front of the dress. But I'm having some trouble making them bend correctly. I decided to make the gold jewelry (both the belt and shoulder jewelry) a separate figure called Dress_Gold, to more easily edit its joints. I have the belt itself assigned to the Abdomen, and the jewels hanging from it are assigned to the Hip. Now, when I spin the Bend dial in Zelda's abdomen, I find the jewelry does not behave correctly. If I allow bending in Dress_Gold's Hip area (the hanging jewels), then the jewels get totally warped out of shape. If I DON'T allow bending, then they don't get warped, but they don't follow the movements of the belt either! Here's a screenshot to demonstrate what I mean. In the top half, bending was turned on; in the bottom, it was turned off.