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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 10:33 am)

Subject: Two slightly dumb questions ;)

SnowSultan ( ) posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 5:54 PM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 10:38 AM

Hi. For some reason, I'm just drawing a blank on this...hopefully one of you can remind me. :) How do you make parent lights to the camera so that they continue to shine on the figure when you reposition the camera? I actually have lights that do this that I made myself, but whenever I select a light now, the Parent button is always grayed out. Did I just forget an obvious method or is something not quite right? Also, does anyone know if there happens to be a V3 hybrid figure with Victoria 3's head on Michael's body? I looked in Free Stuff here but didn't find one, although I don't remember ever seeing one for sure. Thanks a lot. :) SnowS 1001 Words

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

PabloS ( ) posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 5:58 PM

Use the "point to" feature?

SnowSultan ( ) posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 7:18 PM

The point to feature wouldn't work because I don't want the lights to point at the figure, I want them to just follow the camera as if they are attached to it. I did finally figure out how to do it again, so if anyone else forget too, here's how. :) - Select each light and choose Light Properties. Change it to a Spot and exit the Properties menu. - Go right back to the Properties menu and the Set Parent box will be selectable. Parent the light to the Main Camera (or whatever camera) and choose OK. Now change the light type back to an Infinite and choose OK to close the box. You should now be able to rotate the camera however you want and the lights will move with it. One down, one to go. :) Thanks for your help so far though, I appreciate it. SnowS

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

AlleyKatArt ( ) posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 8:06 PM

There is no Vicki/Mike hybrid, unfortunately. I want one badly.
V3's head is WONDERFUL, as is Mike's body. There was talk of one,
but, well... as with anything involving male figures, it got pushed
to the back burner. >.

Kreations By Khrys

Dizzie ( ) posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 10:38 PM

Thanks for posting your answer Snow!!

Nance ( ) posted Mon, 02 June 2003 at 12:26 AM

Attached Link:

Though I don't own V3, it shouldn't be that tough to make your own V3/Mike hybrid (unless there's something unique about V3's geometry of which I am unaware) I posted this how-to last week for someone asking how to make a P4F/Mike hybrid:

SnowSultan ( ) posted Mon, 02 June 2003 at 11:37 AM

Thank you for all the replies. :) Wow Nance, that tutorial is much easier than I expected! I will certainly copy that down to try later. ;) Thanks very much, take care. SnowS

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

Nance ( ) posted Mon, 02 June 2003 at 12:44 PM

Hair on female figures tends to block any minor misalignment at the upper neck/head seam due to different cross-sectional shapes, so a figure with shorter hair will probably be a little more trouble - but a little Taper can be used to tweak it for a specific viewing angle. Another point is that unfortunately, cr2's created in this manner cannot be shared because the new figure now contains the actual head geometry, rather using a pointer to the obj in the Geometries file. But I suspect a CR2 hacker smarter than I could find a workaround for that with a little text editing.

AlleyKatArt ( ) posted Mon, 02 June 2003 at 1:17 PM

Quite likely. I really like that V3/2 hybrid, and I really want one for Mike. I can't get Vicki's head shape right with Mike's neck, because it's strangely shaped.

Kreations By Khrys

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