Here's a pic of my "story stick." (Old carpenter term). I just stick it in the scene, scale its size to 9 x 9 x 9, and then I have a known world scale. After that, I can scale all my imported objects immediately after they come into the scene by using the Vue scaling tool. Simple. It's clear glass and has a green centroid at the bottom, to make for easy checking of proportions. Norm1153, most people coming from other programs to Vue, or who are used to 3d modelling tools, are used to scale positioning. But most people who've learned Vue first find they can use the four viewports to scale objects relative to each other, and to position them, relative to each other. They just look at the scene in all the viewports, and tweak until the objects appear to fit together. This takes some practice if you come from an engineering background, or another 3d modelling package, but doing it by "eyeball" comes fairly quickly. For many artists, its a more natural way of building scenery, which probably is why Vue is built the way it is.