Excuse me, gilo25 regarding your statement: "On Renderotica: it used to be a good site and I used to post there (that's where I started actually), but I stopped because it has become a truly disgusting site, full of poor quality crap which mostly displays blurred genitalia or sexual acts.I don't think this image belongs there."
- I visited the site Rendererotica and noticed you still have 24 images there, despite your protestations of your reservations regarding that site.
To Jordy you say: " never saw the picture, so I can't be specific about that image, but touching a breast offensive?" to answer that as simply as I can Jordy ~ when it is not suitable for the site! Keeping in mind you did not see the image, please consider this: The gestalt of any given photograph is not simply the end product of one individual compositional element such as a specific body part, but is the sum of all the elements within the photograph. You of all people should know that after being a regular here for as long as you have. In figure studies, this includes (but is not limited to) the stance of the body, the facial expression, the way the limbs are held, the implied emotions and intent. A good photographer can impart these feelings from the way they compose and take their subject matter, so take it that I am complimenting gilo25's photography in this instance. These elements cannot always be broken down into specific rules or delineations, but need to be taken into consideration when viewed as a whole, in context...which is why we have to occasionally have to discuss & vote on some images.
Donald "No offense is meant here, but saying an image has crossed the line really doesn't help me to understand when I don't know what defines that line. What quality is it that these deleted images must have (beyond the big 7) that makes them cross the line?" - No offense taken Donald...I think the question is quite a valid one, but sometimes these questions simply do not have clear-cut answers, because life like photographs is not pure black and white but many shades of grey. Reality is not always as clear cut as we would like it to be, but we still have to work within it to the best of our abilities. I hope my explanation for Jordy goes part of the way in describimg the kind of circumstances where problems with the TOS are not always easily described in concrete words. After all, it has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words (personally I believe some are worth more, some less)...so perhaps we need a thousand words to describe each and every different image (viewed in it's own individual context) that is not suitable for this particular site? ...but do you think anyone would read these words? ~ and I cynically wonder if it would make a difference anyway sometimes...