Yep, you may want these. B^) (they are in my ultimate lightsabres package, free at www.dodger.org/friv -- currently there are no things you8 have to do for download, though I'm working on a small community site that I may later be requiring membership to download free stuff, but the membership will be free too and I'm no spammer (quite the contrary, I hunt spammers and corrupt their harvests as a hobby), so don't worry if you don't get them soon enough) Finally, if you are using P5, you will definitely want to look at GraphixFoxx's 'Using Dodger's lightsabres and fireprops in P5' tut, the link to which is on my above page near the top (and which my more recent blasters and such include a weblink to) As a note, the only lightsabres I have done that are not in the UL package are my Schwartz Ring, and the not-yet-released-but-to-be-since-no-one-won-the-contest D&D Blackmoor Lightsabre and Gamma World Vibrosword (which is the only one without a pseudovolumetric blade) The blades do, in fact, render as you see 'em, as I am apparently known somewhat as 'Mr Stuff-That-Glows' *L*