X-perimentalman opened this issue on Jun 25, 2003 ยท 114 posts
ladynimue posted Sun, 29 June 2003 at 12:10 PM
Ok I will try my hand at answering questions pertaining to the process that All Gallery Images are put up against when reviewed [I am not going to go into specifics of any one image as this thread was to be an over-all discussion of the process in which an image is reviewed however, please note: this is the review that all images go through)
{The following is also listed in the Renderosity's TOS}
When viewing an image to see if it is Unacceptable for the Renderosity Galleries the following TOS are taken into account:
Does the image contain rape, or the direct implication of it?
Does the image depict any form of Torture [Nailing any person to a cross other than Jesus {as he is particular image is considered a religious icon} is considered torture].
Does the image have any Sexual acts - this includes sexual acts between either sexes.
Does the image contain any Physical Arousal?
Although this is an easy call when viewing male figures [for obvious reasons], it can be subjective when viewing a female character. Some factors that are taken into consideration: facial expression, hand placements, body placements, etc.
Do any of the figures in the images come in contact of the Genital region, with ANY object, other than sitting or clothing.?
Does the image display depictions of young humanoid characters in erotic, seductive, provocative poses or context.
Does the images portray a character attack, which could be interpreted as defamation of character, slander, and libelous?
Lastly: If an image is considered to be "Deemed unsuitable for the Renderosity Community in general" - that image can be removed at the discretion of staff!
As you know, Renderosity does not have a preview-before-you-post policy, and any member can upload any image to their gallery! [A few members, either do not read the Image TOS, or just wish to ignore them, and post images that do indeed violate Renderosity Gallery Terms Of Service].
As moderators we spend a great deal of our time viewing gallery images. Some of the galleries have hundreds of posting per day, while others only a few per month. As much as I would like to say that we view every image the moment it is posted - this is just not a physical reality We as moderators only have so much time we can be online, and at times images that do violate the TOS do go unnoticed
That is why we also depend on Renderosity members to bring any images that they feel violate the TOS to the attention of the Mods or Admins.
If we receive a complaint about an image from a member [it does not matter if it is a complaint by 1 member or 20 members] the image is brought to the attention of the Moderator-Image-Review-Board. This board consists of the moderators and Admins, with a wide range of cultural and artistic background who are well versed in Renderositys TOS.
Within the Review thread is a link to the image in question, so that it can be viewed by all board review members. A discussion is held referencing all points made that would either deem or redeem the image as to TOS violations. After this deliberation the image is either removed or allowed to stay.
If the image is allowed to stay an IM is sent to any member who voiced a complaint letting them know the image was not in TOS violation.
However if the image is in TOS violation, it is removed. An email is sent to the member with a brief explanation of why the image was removed, along with a copy and paste of the exact TOS violation, and a link to Renderositys Terms Of Service web page.
In the majority of cases, the artist will reply with whoops, Im sorry or Oh I didnt realize that my image violated TOS.
In a very few cases, artists will email back disagreeing with our decision and include Their Explanation of why they think the image Did Not Violate TOS. In the rare case when this does happen, an email is sent back to the artist, advising them that their image will be put back before the review board along with the artist views as to why they feel their image should not have been removed.
The Moderator-Image-Review Board will take a second look at the image and take into account the views of the artist, and in a few cases the image will be allowed to be resubmitted to the gallery sometimes with simply modifications. However, due to the strict First Review process that each image goes through before it is removed the decision is rarely reversed: but it has happened. One case in point was an image that appeared to have genital contact with an object the artist sent us several different angles of his image and the decision to allow his image to be reposted using one of the alternate views was granted.
Please note If the image is in clear violation of TOS Example: a savage rape of a young girl the image is immediately removed without first going through the review board., however, as above, on all removed images an email explanation is sent to the artist when an image is removed.
Do we restrict certain artwork from being posted on this site? Yes
All sites have their own set of TOS Gallery Guidelines. I have recently visited several sites to see how Renderositys Gallery TOS compares, and even I was surprised at how restrictive many of the other sites are compared to Renderosity! I invite you to do this as well. Even adult oriented sites have TOS restrictions!
Are we censoring artists from posting their images? No
All artists are welcomed to post any image that Does fall Within Our TOS, on any other site that will accept the image under that sites TOS.
So, what does the clause 8 [If an image is considered to be "Deemed unsuitable for the Renderosity Community in general" - that image can be removed at the discretion of staff! ] mean? Isnt that rather vague and doesnt that give the Review Board the power to delete any image they want just because they feel like it? No
If an image is deemed unsuitable for the site, you can be assured that it has been discussed at great lengths by all Board Review Members Images that are "Deemed unsuitable for the Renderosity Community in general" can fall into several criteria:
One example would be: Overtly sexual in content: An analogy: An erotic image that would be suitable for penthouse, no matter how artistic would not be suitable for the majority of other magazines on the market. As for that matter An image that appears in hustler magazine would not be allowed to be featured in Playboy.
If you feel that there should be no restrictions placed on an artists artwork, and all images should be allowed to be posted No Matter What the Content You will need to find an Art Site without any Terms Of Service, or Create your own web site and post your images to that site.
Are Renderositys Gallery Terms of Service more restrictive than the majority of Art Gallery Web sites? As I have stated above, I have recently checked the TOS from a wide variety of sites and Renderositys Image guidelines are right in line, and in some cases more liberal than most
I hope this helps to clarify our policies on: Reviewing and Removing or Approving Gallery images, as well as our policies on contacting artists whose images were removed.
As Spike, and the other Moderators have mentioned above if you wish to make any constructive changes to the Gallery TOS, we are very eager to hear what you have to say.
For those who say that Renderosity Never Listens to their members: Consider the recent addition of the Gallery Violence Alert Button this was implemented because members requested it.
So, Please keep your TOS ideas coming in The time and thought that you put into your constructive ideas for change is very appreciated! ladynimue moderator