Grammaton opened this issue on Jul 03, 2003 ยท 5 posts
Simderella posted Thu, 03 July 2003 at 12:11 PM
The head morph pak is many many morphs for the head of V3, which unlike other victoria figures, you can choose which ones to 'inject' into her. It makes for a much smaller file when saving and rendering. etc There is an large expression set included in the head morph pak, V3 is really usless without the head morph or body morph paks... There isn't a morph to make it look like she is biting part of her lower lip, I was thinking just the otherday, that would be a nice morph to have. I am assuming that you have the Victoria 3 base figure, as these paks are especially for her, V3 uses her own textures and clothing, V2 textures and clothing do not work. She is however a far supirior figure. this is a list of all the morphs that come with the head morph pak: HdAfrican HdAfrican2 HdAfrican3 HdAfrican4 HdAlien HdAlien2 HdAlienMale HdAlien2Male HdCeltic HdChimp HdAsian HdAsian2 HdChinese HdChinese2 HdFaerie HdFeline HdFrench HdGargoyle HdGermanic HdHag HdJapanese HdJapanese2 HdKorean HdIndian HdLatin HdMale HdMale2 HdNordic HdNtvAmer HdNtvAmer2 HdOld HdOld2 HdPhilipino HdPolynesian HdSlavic HdYoung BrowAngleUp BrowHeavy BrowSmall BrowSoft BrowsGone BrwBoneSml CheekBalloon CheekBones CheekDimple CheekSink ChinBack ChinCleft ChinProtrude ChinSmall ChinStrong ChkBoneSml ChkCreaseL ChkCreaseR FaceFlat FaceHeart FaceLoThin FaceLong FaceRound FaceSoft FaceSquare ForeheadFlat HairlineSml JawFull JawSmall JawYoung MandibleSml ScalpAlien TemplesIn EyeCornerBk EyeCornerDn EyeCornerIn EyeCreaseGo EyeDepth EyeHeight EyeLidShllw EyeLidsAsian EyeLidsHvy EyeRound EyeWidth EyeWince1L EyeWince1R EyeWince2L EyeWince2R EyeWrinkleL EyeWrinkleR EyesAlien EyesBaggy EyesBaggy2 EyesBaggy3 EyesPuffy EyesSlant1 EyesSlant2 EyesSmall EyesBig Lashes: LacrimalSize LashLoFull LashLoStrait LashUpFull LashUpPnt LashUpStrait LashesLong EarAnimal1 EarAnimal2 EarBig EarChimp EarDeer EarDeerBk EarElfBig EarElfSmall EarElven EarFeline EarFelineBk EarFin EarIn EarLobeAttch EarLobeLong EarRodent EarRodentBk EarSmall EarsUp EarsFrwd EarlobeSize Nose: Nose1 NoseBig NoseBrdgFlat NoseBrdgOut NoseBrdgThin NoseBrdgUp NoseBulbous NoseBump NoseFaerie NoseFlat NoseHeight NosePinch NoseRidgThin NoseRound NoseSlope NoseSmall NoseStylized NoseUp NoseWide NoseWrinkle NostrilFlare NostrilHeight NostrilSize NostrilSmall NostrilWidth LipLoLarge LipLoNarrow LipLowFull LipLowOut LipLowThin LipUpCurves LipUpFull LipUpRound LipUpSides LipUpThin Lips1 Lips2 Lips3 LipsMasculn LipsPucker LipsThin Mouth: MouthCat MouthNarrow MouthRaise MouthSmall MthCrnrSml Philtrum: Philtrum Philtrum2 PhiltrumIn Tongue: TngueOutDn TongueFork1 TongueFork2 TongueHght TongueInDn TongueInUp TongueLeft TongueOut TongueOutUp TongueRight TongueThin TongueWidth GumLoBad GumLoHeal GumUpBad GumUpHeal Teeth: TthLoCrkd TthLoDepth TthLoFang TthLoHeight TthLoMlrGo TthLoSharp TthLoVamp TthLoExCrkd TthLoWidth TthLoWisGo TthLoWolf TthNosferatu TthUpBgChip TthUpChip TthUpCrkd TthUpDepth TthUpFang TthUpGap TthUpHeight TthUpLarge TthUpMlrGo TthUpSharp TthUpSlant TthUpVamp TthUpExCrkd TthUpWidth TthUpWisGo TthUpWolf These are the expressions that came with the V3 base Blink Left Blink Right BrowArchL BrowArchR BrowDownL BrowDownR BrowFrownL BrowFrownR BrowWorryL BrowWorryR Frown Left Frown Right Frown BrowUpL BrowUpR Mouth A Mouth CH Mouth F Mouth M Mouth O Mouth SH Mouth TH Mouth U Tongue L Tongue T MouthDisgust MouthSing MouthSpeak MouthYell OpenLips OpenLips2 OpenMouth PartLips Smile1 Smile2 SmileLeft SmileOpen SmileRight Snarl SnarlLeft SnarlRight *it also came with numerous eyeball morphs Hope that was some help -SimderZ-