Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: WTF??? whats this place coming to?

Blackhearted opened this issue on Jul 03, 2003 ยท 186 posts

insomniaworks posted Mon, 07 July 2003 at 2:40 PM

Hey, Gabrial, no apolgies needed. Don't want to be a jerk, but this debate increased my sales significantly. I don't really think my product was really in the middle of this...I don't see it that way. It was just the spark that lit this fire. I am a modeler as I stated before and most of my time is spent on study and creation. Don't be surprised that this previously unknown modeler, becomes one of the top merchants here. I deserve to be because I am putting a lot of work into it and lots of creative thought. In other words, I would be too busy to even read a thread such as this, but it involves me and I really don't understand a few things, people are saying though and I wanted to point them out. First of all, I didn't get sneak through any loopholes. I also have to add that I am new to the 3Dmodeling world and I am getting to know this community for the first time. So, keep in mind that I am a new merchant also. I have no past experience to really draw from. As, I said before, I emailed ClintH with the product plans and asked him for the guidelines. He refered me to the TOS and, make no mistake, I followed them to the T. There was nothing in the TOS to warent the removal of my image. Secondly the picture in question was submitted at the time I submitted the product, it passed through product testing. You have to understand, I made this product to meet the expectations of my testers. I ended up making this product capable of doing "much much" more than I would need for my own personal purposes. After making this figure capable of doing so much, I wanted to post and image of just how much this product would do, because to my knoledge, there is no other genital so realistic. I simply chose to build a product that would be highly popular and be the best of its kind. I have never said anything distasteful in my advertisment. I explained the products attributes, thats all. As for that picture in question, it was not a setting that I would call erotic or sexy. It was clinical, like it or not. Some even assume that this was some attempt at artwork, it was not. It was the most effective way to portray my product's many attributes in one 800x800 pixel image. It wouldn't have made any difference if I had used a doctors wall for a back drop for the images. No TOS violations were made by this product or it's advertising. Someone said in reply to my last message in this thread that it was okay for History Channel to show naked woman walking around Hugh Heffner's house with out being greyed out, because children would not be likely to be watching the History Channel. Well, how likeley then that children would be looking around the Renderosity market place. If I had a child, hope to someday have someday, I would't let him/her into Renderosity to begin with. Its already an adult site, accept it or not, but we are all adults here, why can't we all accept it. Renderosity is an adult site. No, it's not hardcore or bad as that, but, with out question it is for adults. So why do poeple follow volunterly follow my little thumbnail within the market place(there are no banner adds as of yet), when they are told in advance that it is genitalia, object to seeing the product????????????????? There are plenty of products that I never look at each time I look into the market place because I have no interest in them. My product though in some people's opinion, shouldn't be aloud to be in the market place because it violates their values. So instead of ignoring the little thumb, because it does not interest them, they go and look at it and complain that they got to see it. Don't blame Renderosity for this! Don't blame me for this! TOS was not violated. My product is not rude or crude, its is a realistic part of the anatomy that has been masterfully modeled. It is only because it violates some people's values that my product can no longer be portrayed in the advertising. Thats all, don't try to make it more than that. I hope I don't make any enimies here, but its about time I did say something in my own defence. I probably should just let this fire burn out with out stoking it up again, but, I couln't help but voice my own opinion. God Bless America thank you, marty-insomniaworks