Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: WTF??? whats this place coming to?

Blackhearted opened this issue on Jul 03, 2003 ยท 186 posts

Rio posted Mon, 07 July 2003 at 4:29 PM

no i doubt anyone here sent any letters to clint. even if rosity is deemed an adult site due to content up already, thats not the image i think rosity wants of the site. its hard for us artists to see that images like that and certain banner ads etc, may seem innocent to us as being 3d and all, but to people who dont use this medium or know little about it and its uses its very easy for them to think them as pornographic...esp with such realistic textures nowadays some might find it hard to determine 3d from photos, etc.

with this in mind, you have to understand how rosity is growing now, much more publicity, and so many new memers and just visitors who know little to nothing about poser art/products. a banner ad with the word erotic and sexy, let alone with pics of such description, could easily cause some frowns on people who come here thinkin its a "family" oriented art site. And ive actually seen/met a number of people under the age of 15 around here..but the point is, it really doesnt matter what the ages are or what you as parents would allow your child to see or not to see, its about the image rosity wishes to portray of itself. They dont mean to ban certain things as a personal attack on anyone or anyone's products, they are just looking out for their best interest...if rosity's own are complaingin about a certain thing, imagine what other visitors and new members who arent used to seeing things liek this around here might be thinking.

this has been a long debate and we've all read posts where people are complaining about what bosses/wives say when they are looking over shoulders... i remember someone sayin their wife was asking what they were doing at a porn site...People whove come here to join, but see certain ads/images or whatever and changing their minds... As artists used to seeing these images and products, knowing they are just 3d etc, we dont see these things through the same eyes as others, so that doesnt really make us fair judges. and again, in the end, it all comes down to rosity's image.

so in that, i dont think it would be a bad idea to exclude sexual organs from the store from now on, if that came to be...doubtful, but hey- image is everything, whether these products make the most money for the site or not, if people are getting offended or confused about what the site is really about then i would think that would take priority.

I think what gabe was getting at in starting this thread is this: Yes we all know that sexual items are always top sellers here, so what does that say about the site's orientation and how it is viewed by the public, whether members or not? it has little to do with just this specific product, more about all of them in general, this just happened to be an example. i mean really its not even just the picture, a product like that will cause frowns and get people complainin no matter what, just because of what it is and that it is here, whether you go to look at the pics or not. Because whether you agree or not, there have been people who have thought rosity was associated with pornographic material because of this type of content, and i really dont think rosity wants an association like that. its nothin personal.

If these products sell so hot then im sure they will elsewhere as well. For example, im not sure of the popularity of the rotica store now(esp when people are buying sexual items here), but if rosity were to exclude these items from the MP so people would have to put them up elsewhere like rotica, they will still sell. and i would think rotica is just the place to shop for things liek this.

again i doubt it will come to that, i mean they are top sellers so they are makin rosity the most money, thats hard to say no to. but at least that way no one could be offended by anything and rosity can keep up its PG-13 image.

This shouldnt be turned into a war over who thinks it is offensive or not, or that some people would find vulgar language as if not more offensive or not..we've all been brought up differently in different areas around the world and will all have a different idea of what is offensive to us or not. There are just some things that are still not publicly acceptable, ok wrong word, "likeable", "overlookable", whatever in any culture... you'll get a different reaction hearing the word fuck on a street than you would seeing a person walking down one holding up a poster of a close up genital shots. theres a reason why naughty mags are covered over on newstands. and why DAZ refuses such products.

as long as such sexual content is allowed here there will always be wars and rants over why we cant have this but we are allowed to do that, constant fighting and debate, all comin down on the admins. its here in the first place because this is a community and rosity is way guilty of always trying to make everyone happy. but as long as its up there will always be this debate, and the majority of us are sick of it. If these types of sexual content are removed then i see little for people to complain about- other than "wah wah thats not fair". you have plenty of places to sell elsewhere, rotica to cater to that specific audience esp, so your products will still sell... little left to be offended by at rosity, rosity keeps up a nice image, wars over offensive material and people getting frustrated at complaints will die down.

Marty knew that his product would probably offend people, and hed probably get complaints, even tho he tried his best to stay within guidelines. guidelines or not that type of material, and i dont just mean the promos, i mean the product themselves no matter how much work went into them, will always end up offending a good number of people, members or not.if somethin has the slightest chance at being labeled pornographic, someone will do it...and rosity takes the blame for havin the material up, more than the creator does.

rosity wants a certain image maintained of itself, and i think a lot of members/merchants here would like the same.