Oh man.... I hope this the last post in this farrago. I have everything set up the way I want it. 4 simple spotlights + 4 fills, giving identical light in each of the 4 corners. The shadowcams hold their settings OK. They just reset to default dial settings, but who gives a flying you-know-what about that? Not me. I also renamed the shadowcams to match the light names, so at least users will know what's going on. Oh boy...! Thanks for all the help. Any additional info is still welcome, but I'm leaving this light set as it is. I've had a spate of poser crashes in the last few weeks. I can barely use it anymore and I'm having to open it 10 times to get anything done. I think I need to wipe and format, but I want this finished first. Coupla more days now.....Yayyy!!!! mac