Btw Jim, Most meshers do modify maxis meshes, and they do a fine job, I have done some meshes from scratch, but I have spent many hours making detailed and different meshes from Maxis bases, Modyfied so much as to undistinguishable from the original.... This is not any less creative. The only meshes you should alter is other peoples unless you have permission... So please no-one think that people who modify maxis bases are any less than people who make them from scratch... and i'm not getting at anyone, LOL.. I'm very passionate about my sims... Jim would LOVE to see your meshes in the game.. They are truly wonderful, I think they have the right amount of detail, but not too much, because of the size of the sims in the game theres little point making highlyt detailed meshes and it makes the game run slooooww... so i think ur new meshes look perfect ;) If you ever need a beta tester who knows what she's doing I am more than willing. Here is a pic of my newest mesh, which i made, I also made the head mesh and all the textures.. This is the mesh/skin I am most proud of to date!!... The body mesh is remapped to allow more flow to the texture.. What do u think? *hugz* -SimderZ-
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