ya i have the front and back walls mainly set as figures because the doors have been made to open and close, i used the setup room in propack to do that. i also have three different types of moldings for this room, reason why the walls are all made to be added on in parts. i also have two different types of front entry moldings. maybe i made to much for it, i just get into a modeling mood and keep going. sorta what happened to my kitchen pack in my store..heh. well when i import the obj files i unclick everything for poser. so it loads at the size it was made in lightwave. this is the way i was taught to do them, but also it was for props, not rooms. i did rescale the doors in lightwave, here are some pictures untextured now of course of the front entry and moldings i was speaking of. i know one of them needs to be fixed, i dont know what happend there though to look off than its other side. i mean i been in houses before that had huge rooms on the inside, but does this look right? this is just imported into poser, all settings unchecked.