I'm running Wings3d on XP. It probably is a corrupt down load.
I have used Rhino3d for about 3 years now. I have only started using wings in the last few months but its is already my favorite. Rhino is a great nurbs modeler. It is great for inorganic stuff.... cars, guns, buildings etc. It has a really good tool set as well. What it does not do well is deal with models once they have been converted to mesh and it makes inefficient meshes. Also I think it is more difficult to create organic models. Wings is a sub division modeller. Its a mesh modeler and tends to make much more effecient models. It really is easy to learn. I'm including some pics some of the comparison of simmilar models between the 2 apps. Anyway this a comparison of the 2 apps I know.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but
Albert Einstein