Sure, hae. Double-click the dial name to open the dialog box. The pic shows the dialog box for a Yrot dial. You can enetr any values you want (and change the dial name), but the minimum must always be less than than the maximum. Like min = 1.00 / max = 2.00 Or min = -1.00 / max = 1.00 If you want a door to slide from side to side, move it with the dial first to see what the values should be, then enter them. You must switch on 'Use Limits' (It's in one of the menus) for this to work. And resave the figure to the library with the new limits. But every new poser session, you have to switch on 'Use Limits' If you want it to work every time you open poser, you have to hack the pp2 or cr2 file. It's quite easy. Open the file in notepad, scroll down to find the body part and dial you set limits on, then change the line ' force limits 0' to 'force limits 4' Then resave it. That's it. mac