- LOTR Triology 2. Matrix Triology 3. Brainstorm 4. Waterworld, Robin Hood, The Postman 5. Tomb Raider 6. Muppets Treasure Island, 7. Alien Triology 8. Termintor Triology 9. Dr. DoLittle (Eddie Murphy) 10.Altered States 11.The Frightners 12.Galaxy Quest 13.MIB 1&2 14.True Lies 15.Independence Day 16.all the StarTreks 17.The Fifth Element 18.Conan, Barbarian and Destroyer 19.Red Sonja 20.Twins 21.Jr. 22.Sleepy Hollow 23.Paulie 24.Shrek 25.Monsters Inc. 26.Babe, Orig and In the City 27.Adventures in the Forbidden Zone(SciFi B movie) 28.Ed Wood 29.Edward Scissorhands..... Well, I could go on , but I won't, we have over 250 DVDs of our favorite movies.....:)
Bryce Forum Coordinator....
Vision is the Art of seeing things invisible...