When you look at the code of a prop (the prop library or a document) you can see the following data related to the origin: - The origin coordinates are stored in the "origin" line (in the footer data after the channels). - The coordinates are also stored in six "Offset" channels. There are two blocks of Offset channels: Three "OffsetA" channels hold the x, y, z values of the origin coordinates. Three "OffsetB" channels hold the negative x, y, z values of the origin coordinates. By default, the OffsetA channels appear first in the code, followed by the Rotate channels (and Scale channels if available), followed by the OffsetB channels. We will see that the sort order of these channels is important, and how we can use it to control the origin. At runtime, when Poser loads the model, the origin coordinates are copied to the appropriate Offset channels. Then, the order of the channels is used to establish the script execution order. Poser will evaluate the channels in the code one after the other, starting with the first channel. The sequence of the channel evaluation is the script execution order. In the default configuration, the OffsetA channels are evaluated first, followed by the rotations (and scale deformations), followed by the OffsetB channels. The "Translate" channels (xTran etc.) are usually placed at the end of the code, before or after the OffsetB channels.