The Poser Origin is very sticky: The OffsetA channels always evaluate to the Poser origin data. Once the Poser Origin is set, it's the center of rotation for all subsequent Rotate channels. Since we cannot move the Poser Origin, we will move the prop geometry instead, to fake a new center of rotation. The picture shows on the left the arrow prop and the Poser Origin at x=0, y=1, z=0. This arrow rotates about the upper end. On the right, the prop geometry has moved by y=0.5, and the origin is still at x=0, y=1, z=0. This arrow rotates about the center of the arrow body, so we have a different rotation center. We already know, that the prop can move without the origin. And we know we can do virtually anything, before Poser updates and renders the scene. Only the result of all channel evaluations will be visible in the end. So, all we need are some channels, to - translate the prop geometry temporarily without moving the origin, - evaluate the rotations, - and reset the prop to the previous position.