gagnonrich opened this issue on Nov 04, 2003 ยท 20 posts
gagnonrich posted Tue, 04 November 2003 at 10:34 PM
Below is the complete list of all Michael 3 body morphs. Morphs without an asterisk can be injected into The Freak. Anything with an asterisk is not available (and won't be seen when all the M3 body morphs are applied). I'm just showing them so that people can see what won't work. Full-Body * ArmGlove ArmsHeavy ArmsThin * Emaciated * FingerGloves * Heavy * HeavySpandex * HvyNippleGo * HvyTghinFl * Muscular1 * Muscular2 * Muscular3 * NailsGone * NailsLong * NeckOld NeckThin * NeckWattle Skinny * Stocky * Tone * TorsoHeavy * TorsoLegHvy * Young Hip-Abs-Chest AbsLeftUp AbsRightUp AreolaOut * BellyOut * FileList.txt * GluteBig * GluteCreaseL * GluteCreaseR GluteFlat GluteFlexL GluteFlexR GluteRaiseL GluteRaiseR GluteSmall Gluteus HipNarrow HipSmall Inhale LineaAlba LineaWide * LoveHandleL * LoveHandleR LvHandleGo Navel1 Navel2 Navel3 NavelHoriz NavelRaise NippleRaise * PecLower * PubicHairFit * StomachIn StrnmNarrow * WaistNarrow Muscularity Adductors BicepFlex Biceps * Brachialis BrachioRad Coracobrach Deltoid ErectorSpin * ExOblique ExtDigit1 ExtDigit2 ExtDigit3 ExtDigit4 ExtPolBrev ExtPolLong FlexCarpRad ForeArm * Gastroc * GroinLine * Hamstrings Latissimus LatsSmall PalmLongus * Pectoral RctsAbdmWd RectusAbdm2 * RectusAbdom RectusFemo Serratus Soleus SternoMast1L SternoMast1R SternoMast2L SternoMast2R * TeresMajor * TibialisAnt Trapezius TrapsSmall Triceps * VastusLat VastusMed Legs-Feet BigToeDwn BigToeIn BigToeUp * CalfBulge * FootArch * FootFrShoe * FootSock LegThin * NinjaSock * SmallToesDwn SmallToesIn * SmallToesUp ThighFull ThighInFull ThighThin ThighWide * ToeNailsGone * ToePointed
My visual indexes of Poser
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