Well, I played around with it more last night and decided I don't need a vector drawing. I guess I'll just do this the old fashioned way: have a variety of different sizes available for different uses (the way I used to do things back when I was a graphic designed in the early eighties). The AutoTrace tool in Illustrator is nifty, but a pain in the neck when applied to this design. I imagine Streamline will be similar. Instead, I experimented with enlarging the image in Photoshop, and then applying the Median filter. With the pixel radius set to 5, you can use Median to smooth out the jaggies after a blow-up of 500%. It works very well. As an example, the image on the left is my guy's face at 100% of the working size. On the right is his right eye after a 500% blow-up and the Median filter applied with a radius of 5. I have no doubt I could blow it up again and apply the filter and it would look great. In fact, it cleans things up so much I might blow the image up to max and then reduce it to the final sizes, rather than the other way around. The image is an early draft of a logo for my new company. We will manufactur tactical accessories for shotguns and other firearms.