There aren't 17 seperate textures in cinema either, what you have are 17 body parts or material parts. Eyes, head, body, toenails, etc etc. Double click on one of the texture balls to bring up the texture dialogue, then click the colour check box, click "Image" (red circle) and browse to the folder where your texture is stored. Select the texture and click ok, the texture will load into the editor and apply itself to the body part. Repeat for all body parts except this time you don't need to browse for the texture as it's already loaded. This time just click on the drop box arrow (orange circle) and you'll find the texture in the drop down under "Bitmaps", just apply that to the other areas. You don't need to worry about projection mapping because Don is UVMapped, the texture will wrap to the body parts (assuming you exported using Wavefront object). Set highlight, diffuse, bump and other levels as you see fit.