Forum: Bryce

Subject: I can't take it anymore.. I must say goodbye....

striving opened this issue on Jan 22, 2004 ยท 72 posts

Brendan posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:51 AM

One helpful or insightful comment that you have received on an image is worth more than the HOT20, AOM, AOY or any other of the populist accolades that abound here. The nuggets of genuine feedback are food enough to sustain anyone through the mire of sycophantic swill that swamps the site. Renderosity admin can't even keep control of the disparities in the application of standards it sets for what constitutes ART so it is fruitless to expect that the amature drifters that come and go in the galleries will ever show any integrity or perspicuity, the EGOS quest for notice is the overriding motive for most of what is posted in the galleries. I have only posted again yesterday after taking time out from here, just put a distance between my own fustrations with the double standards of the workings of the site. My desire for communicating with other creative folks from around the world would never allow me to burn all my bridges to this site, rather, I have focused my thoughts on all the Artists that I admire and have built friendships with ( though some of them might have felt neglected for the last six months! ). Taking a small break is recommended, please take time to consider what you might be loosing. Try weeding out your gallery, taking a hard look of what you have acheived in the last year, testing yourself as to wether you can bare to let go of comments that praise or annoy you, what is more important, the process of creativity or the paucity of insight by those that view your stuff? When I have paintings on show and for sale I have to keep my distance from the public and let the gallery and the buying public do their worst, people say and do the most stupid things ( I include myself here! ) just because they don't stop to think, or rather, are unable to express themselves in any helpful or meaningful way. The shortcomings of your own actions should be your prime concern and leave the rest to go their own way. Make a statement through your work , gestures of snittness have no power in this world. Let me encourage you to reconsider the whole matter, delete that last image and do not fear that you will lose face. Don't let the Bird-Brains rule you life! Wishing you Joy and Strength. Brendan.