Why not? Because when you use the full body morph they effect the whole body, This can be good and bad because when you combine full body morphs with pbm morphs or full body morphs with full body morphs mike starts to get tired of this and begines to look overmorphed and lumpy you have more control and your figure does not wind up getting too much tone morph when you use just the pbm morphs. If you said Holy Cow! is that Mke 2.0? it is. Here is my best Mike 3 with Freak Morphs, He is not commingalong as well as I would like, I think the problem is the morphs are not isolated from each other enough maybe or thier is too much morph talk between the morphs, I call then morph tension... I really really did my best on this figure and he just in my opinion does not match up to Mike 2.0, That said I would hope Daz knows this and would do 2 things, improve on Mike 3 aqd update Mike 2.0 since he's not ready to be sweap aside and ignored for unimesh methods of figure creation.