*flutter* Flutter* .....*squawk*...*splash*...*sigh*.... I have been busy entertaining the Soldiers....*swoon*. Dear Folks....thank You all so much for Your kind thoughts and wishes....I will keep Your Briefs....err...I mean I will keep this Brief...*sigh*....as I have major probs getting on line....getting a strong enough signal....and getting disconnected. I am safe and My Property sustained minor damage.....My House ...uncleaned for 100 Years still stands....I believe it is the Dust that holds it together. Special thanks to My wonderful PDA....who is in charge of "The Mothership" during My Absence. I will return when I can....please accept My apologies for not being able to view Your Postings. Thanks again Dear People....You are the Bestest......and Donald is right....I am indeed resourceful.....and exceptionally Brave and Gallant. Muuuuuuuuah! *group hugz*