Ooohhhh ... I forgot to mention that I am running a SETI farm with 14 PC's (two are dual processor, so there are 16 CPUs in total). The shelving has 15 system units (3 aren't being used -- too slow); one more (the one I'm using as I type) in the computer desk -- you just about see it in the lower right of the image. A Belkin Matrix KVM switches either of the two keyboard/mouse/monitor to any of the systems in this room. None of the 4 UPS show in the images ... but I know where they are. Same for the printers. The system I'm using now is XP, PSP 7, Visual Suite, etc. One of the other systems here is running ME and the remaining 11 systems are running RedHat Linux. I am hoping that someday, I will be able to configure these boxes to run a RenderFarm ... soon, I hope. Any questions?