Forum: Community Center

Subject: EdgeNet Responds

tim opened this issue on Sep 17, 2000 ยท 60 posts

Luna posted Sun, 17 September 2000 at 1:40 PM

Odd....My First Attempt To Post This Is Not Showing...So We Shall Try Again. Smile Snipped And Edited But Content Not Changed. I'm Honest, Unlike Some....Smirk "I wanted to take a minute to give you a summary of recent events" Yes, Summary....Very Explainatory Isn't It? Your Thorough Attention To This Matter Is "Astounding". Sarcasm Implied "1. Effective, Sept 16, the admin privileges for Jack and Ed were removed. As a direct result of their statements and actions, they were no longer able to fulfill their obligations under their operating agreement with EdgeNet." What You REALLY Mean Is They Saw They Were Getting Screwed, Got Pissed (Who Wouldn't), And Let Everyone Of Us Know They Were Getting Screwed, And So To Further Attempt To Gain Control Of The Situation You Usurped The "Throne". "2. It was originally our intent to work with any admins that wanted to stay on so we left all other Moderator's in place. The number of deleted posts, including my own to the members and moderators proved that this plan was not workable, so early today, all Moderator status was eliminated." What You REALLY Mean Is As Long As They Played the Puppet To You They Could Stay. Is It Really So Surprising that They Would Support Jack And Ed? Not Likely. More Likely You Knew They Would And In An Attempt To Nip Them In The Bud, Strategically Cut them Off As Well. Good Strategy, Bad Move. Really, Why Would Anyone that Supported Ed ANd Jack Delete Posts? Makes No Sense. We Aren't All Born Suckers You Know. But Feel Free To Keep Treating Us Like We Are, Until We Are Gone That Is. "It is EdgeNet's intent that NOBODY will be banned from the community because of the current disagreement. We would prefer a public discussion of the issues. No EdgeNet staff will ever delete a post unless it violates the community's stated posting policy. In the interim, we will continue to run the site in this mode." That Sounds Good And All....But Then You Make This Statement... "Censorship of any kind is very uncool, but if I'm going to be blamed for it regardless, I'd prefer to be the only one able to do it. " Little Contradictory There Aintcha Tim? My My My, What Should We Think? Cencorship Is Bad, But If It's Going To Be Done You Want To Be The One Doing It. How...Fascist Of You Tim. By The Way, No Tracking System On Who Is Deleting Posts? Is Your Software Or Programming Ability THAT Poor? Give us a Break. Who Would Create Something This Huge, Allow Others To Run It, And Have No Accountability System? That's Idiotic. More Like You Attempt An Excuse For "Cencoring" Things You Got Busted For. As Was Mentioned Also, This "Dissapearing Posts" Problem Has Been Around a While And You Just Now Say..... "We don't have it currently. It just deletes the database records. Sounds like it is something we should consider." Pardon Me For Laughing My Proverbial Ass Off, But That Is Just Classic Tim...Really...I'm Dying Here. "3. New approach: We believe that having a team of admins that manage the site on an ongoing basis will be better for the community than past arrangements." Again, What You REALLY Mean Is That You Want Puppets. I Got Two Words For You....No Eloquence Or Banter...Just In Your Face Brutal Honesty. Screw You "We believe this will lead to long term stability and a focus on serving the needs of community members." Long Term Stability To You Is Swapping Out Every Year. I Think Your Definition Of "Stability" Is Somewhat Askew. And Serving the Community Needs? PLEASE?!?! If You Were So Concerned With This Community's "Needs" You Would Not Be Doing This....TWICE! To Quote My Granfather "Screw Me Once, Shame On You. Screw Me Twice, Shame On Me. "EdgeNet will work with the community to achieve these goals over the coming days." Just Like You "Worked" With Jack, Ed, Zygote, Curious Labs, And Us In Recent Days? Um, I Speak For Many I'm Pretty Sure, No Thanks. "4. I will be your contact for now. Feel free to email me any further questions (" Well, THAT Is Professional And Just Dripping With Concern. Make Them Come To You? Don't You Think You Could Spare Some Time (Apparently Not In Light Of This Half Assed "Summary")To Get WITH The Members Of The Store And Inform Them Instead Of Having them Come To You? Talk About Poor Management. I'll Be Amazed If You Have Anything To Sell. "5. Lastly, we would like to address Jack's account of the Zygote deal. EdgeNet has operated this site at a loss for the last 1.5 years. In the last few months the Online Store has begun to produce some revenues. 50% of these revenues went to support the artists and 70% of the remainder went to DSI with EdgeNet receiving 30% of the remainder." As Was Stated By Jack, You Surely Made Profit Off The Software And Such In Other Areas. With The Way This Site Has Grown There is No Way You Could NOT Be Making a Profit And Still Remain In Business. Poor Attempt To Generate Sympathy, And I'm Sure Most See That. By The Way, Did You Take Math? 50% + 70% + 30% = 150%...Now That's Just Odd. Snicker Okay, Maybe You Meant 50% Went To Artists (Too Little IMHO) And 70% Of The REMAINING 50% Went To DSI, But Wait, That Still Leaves 30% That You Got. That's 100% Of The Remaining 50% Effectively Going To You, Because The DSI Is Yours, If I Am Not Mistaken, And So Is The Other 30%. Ergo, Not Only Did You Give The Meager 50% Of The ARTISTS Own Profits Back To Them, But You Kept 50% Of That For Yourself. What Kinda Screwed Up Business Deal Is THAT? I Again Point Out, The ARTISTS And The Rest Of Us Made This Place. And You Give Them 50% In Return? If I was Ever Lucky To Sell My Stuff I Am Quite Sure, As The Artist, I Would Get More Than 50% For My Efforts. Let's Not Forget That 50% You Made, 70% Which Went To The DSI, Was Also Additional Profit To What You Made Selling The DSI Elsewhere. Hot Damn. No Profit? You Guys Are Making a Proverbial Killing Off The Artists Here. But Then We're Just Stupid Artists, We're Used To Getting Screwed Over, Right? "Our preparation for handling the site after that date lead Jack to make public statements that compromised his ability to effectively manage the site on EdgeNet's behalf." Well Duh? Hell If I Got Treated The Way You Treated Them I'd Be Pissed Too. Obviously Freedom Of Opinion And Speach Didn't Figure Into Things For You Since You "Decided" To Cencor Him (Unkool, As You Claim) By Removing Him And Ed Without Some Sort Of Attempt To Resolve The Reason They Were Upset. i.e. Your Poor Tact, Greed, Et. all. Ad Nauseum. "Again, we think Jack and his team have done a good job with the community and the supportive remarks we see from members confirm this view." Funny, We Think They Did Good Too. That's Why We Are Following Them. Loyalty And Appreciation Mean Something To Some People And With Your Treatment Of WIllow And Now Jack, Ed, And All Of Us, You Show That Those Concepts Are Foreign To You. In Closing, Not Bad For a "Silent" Little Artist Like Me Huh? Weird, When I Would "Go Off" On Instigators In The NG's My Letters Were Somewhat Renowned For Being Rather Sharp And Precise. I Can Only Say That I Do Not Speak Out This Much Often Or To This Extent, But You Can Bet Your Toosh You Deserve It. "Regards, Tim Choate" "Sincerely" May Have Held a Little More Weight Or Credence, But I Doubt It.