I think I have found a slightly better way to use the Explosive Fern freebie mat. created by Joerg Weber. 1. Instead of applying this mat. file to the fern plant, instead create a sphere made up of about 20 fir trees, with the bases of the trunks meeting at the center of the sphere. 2. Next, go to display materials, and change the trunk and leaf materials to the explosive fern mat. 3. Group these trees, and call the group trees. 4. Now create a point light, placing it at the center of the trees group, giving it the following settings: Set the color as orange. The Softness as 0.10 The Power at 150 5. Go to the Lens Flare Editor, and change the following settings: Set overall Intensity at 100% Click off the Ring setting Under Random Streaks set: Intensity to 80% Amount to 400 Sharpness 100% 6. Go back to layers, and select both the trees group and the point light, and group them, calling this new group My Explosion 1. 7. Save this group as an object in your object folders for later use. I should say that for some reason, this thing takes quite a while to render. And you may need to adjust some of the point light settings depending on how large you make the trees group. Also, I used the fir tree that comes with Vue, but I have no doubt that you might get better results using another fir tree you import, say in 3ds format. Hope this was useful.