I have a large number of portraits in my gallery; though I think some of them are pretty good they never achieved much in popularity. So, as an experiment I created Taffy just so I could make a nude pin-up to see what would happen. Rarely have I gotten more than 200 hits, but this render (in appropriate undress) received over 800 and is still receiving hits. Now you would think that I would be happy about this, but Im NOT. Im the same artist with the same abilities that created the portraits, but the only one thats popular is a nude pin-up. Everybody wants their work to viewed and its hard take when your render is getting 50 to 60 hits, while the nude pin-up next to you is getting 200 to 300. If those hit number dont mean anything, we might as well go paint on cave walls. It is insulting to insinuate that a male artist can only make plastic looking woman. After making the nude pin-ups my next render was of a strong looking woman. It received less than 200 hits. So whats my point? My point is that Renderosity is about popularity, and the most popular thing here at Renderosity is Poser pin-ups. So you can either create or BTW, I dont think that its the male artists here that are boosting number on the pin-ups. IMO its probably underage teenage boys. In the end does it matter if you scream at the silent and no one hears?