JMHO, But when I saw this set, it seemed to reflect more of the cavalier, dashing, Musketeer, Buccaneer, heroic character. In fact the boots and the slashed sleeves were worn together in this type of costume. The Musketeer, Cavalier wardrobe spans many decades and countries. The most popular movie that comes to my mind is the 1940's Three Musketeers with Gene Kelly. An outfit very similar to this won was worn by the characters. There was of course the 1993, version, the boots were in both versions as well as the genre of the costume. It may be that the boots need more definition and texture. But this outfit as far as the sleeves, boots and jacket (though that may have been a bit longer) is not far off from many costumes which depict that type of Musketeer, Cavalier character. I've attached a couple of pictures, that show my point. So if this is the type of character set you were going for Valandar, I think you should stick with it and finish it. You could always do some additional research to decide exactly what type of image or character you want to portray with the set, and make modifications as you see fit. You are off to a good start!