Thanks mmoir, I'll try that for future referance! How is it coming so far? I duplicated the coin like I said I would, from a group of 4. Is it easy to tell they were'nt added one at a time? I think I've encounterd a little trouble adding my materials. They seem to have stuck for some objects, but not others. All objects of each material have been added into seperate groups, in my sequencer, from the assembly room. Then, without switching room, all I thought I need to do was drag each material, from the material browser, over to the proper group(In the sequencer,) only once. But I do'nt think the materials applyed to each object in each group, even thopugh I applyed them to the top object in each group, when each group was closed inot one listing in my Sequencer. I could apply materials to each object, but that could take some time! I think I either need to make the coins smaller, or the jewels larger, too? = )