Here we go. The central driver to all of this is the P node down in the bottom right corner. I have the x and z contributions set to zero, so basically this node is telling the material how far up the wall we are. You would use something like this for any altitude dependant material. As it feeds into later nodes, I use the value of this P node to decide how much of the material is slime and how much is concrete. However, I don't want the slime to peter out at exactly the same place on every column, so I've added some large scale turbulence (Tubulence_2) to the P output (added together with Math_Functions_3). I then use Math_Funcitons_2 to subtract 2 from the result. This just means that the switch from slime to cement is going to happen two units higher up the wall. Now that I've finished preparing my height measurement value, I use it to drive the Bias of a clouds node. This means that the bias increases with height, so the cloud density increases with height (or does it decrease with height? I can't remember). It's hard to see what's going on with these things until you render, so you have to have a good mental picture of what all of it is doing. Anyhow, the output from the clouds node is what I'm going to use to set the blending level between my cement and my slime, so this is a key point in the whole process. You can see the output of the clouds node goes to three blenders - one for the diffuse colour, one for the ambience (I like my slime to have little glowing patches) and one for displacement and specularity. I could drive all of those with one blender but by splitting them up I give myself a little more control of each area. The cement is a single node material (Granite, top right). The slime is made with basically two nodes, Turbulence and ColorRamp. You can see the Cement and slime are mixed for the diffusion chanel by the Blender node at the top left, with the amount of mixing controlled by the Clouds node. To drive displacement and highlight size, I've done exactly the same thing with Blender_2, except that since I don't want much displacement for the cement, I've set the colour of Blender_2's Input_1 to a dark grey which will keep the displacement down very low. It's like multiplying the granite displacement by 0.03. Also, since we don't need colour for displacement, I've just taken the turbulence straight to the blender without passing it through the ColorRamp. To drive the ambience it's the same thing again with Blender_3 except that since I don't want any ambience at all from the cement, I've just set Input_1 to black and left it at that. Also, since I don't want too much ambience from the slime, I've passed the slime's Turbulence node through a power math function. This darkens the whole thing, but still leaves a few very bright spots. That's pretty much it. The key stuff is the Clouds node and everything below it.
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