All right, consider this image. Is there any postwork in it or not? If you can't tell, then how can it possibly matter? If there was a postwork and a no-postwork gallery I could put it in either and who could say that it was in the wrong one? Furthermore, what app was it rendered in? Can you tell? How? (Be warned, the obvious answer is not necessarily correct, there are six apps I have that I could render this scene in.) If you can't tell, then I could put in any of several galleries here and it wouldn't look out of place. Whereas if I flagged it as "landscape" or "abstract" that would be obviously wrong. The feeling I get is that this thread and the previous one on the subject are not really about postwork per se, as a complaint about all the ghastly over-airbrushed Royo-wannabes that clutter up the Hot20 or whatever it's called.