Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Snape - ideas for improvement needed...

TrekkieGrrrl opened this issue on May 10, 2004 ยท 26 posts

TygerCub posted Mon, 10 May 2004 at 4:51 AM

Eyebrows: 1) Straighten the eyebrows, starting from outer edge of the iris to the bridge of the nose. 2) Lower the eyebrows until the area near the bridge of the nose appears to almost touch the inner fold of the eye. Mouth: 1) Bring the arch of his upper lip closer together. 2) Make his bottom lip rounder in the middle, flat at the outter edges. Cheeks: The upper arch of the cheek is good, but the image shows Snape's cheeks begin to hollow out before your model. I don't have M3, so I can't help with morph names, but M2 had a couple of "narrow mouth" morphs and "stylized lips" morphs. If used together, then dial the "M" phenomorph to widden the mouth again, it may work. Very good jaw line and nose. As for texture? If you are trying to match the photo, add a base of very light orange to the "skin". If you can find a texture with a five-o-clock shadow, add a touch of blush to it, and redden the lips, and that should help get it closer to the picture. Good luck.