Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser 5 clothing wish list?

PhilC opened this issue on May 19, 2004 ยท 29 posts

Francemi posted Wed, 19 May 2004 at 11:48 PM

Thanks for asking! I use lots of your work and love it. I would like a fur coat and hat, with scarf and boots and gloves... for Judy, Don, Penny and Will. (this is for winter so you have lots of time... ;o) For the summer, I would like bathing suits (not bikinis but real nice bathing suits) for all 4 figures AND bath robe and sandal and maybe a large beach towel (as a prop, I suppose?) You could also (since this is a WISH list) create props like Sun Lotion bottle, beach ball, freesbie, etc., everything for the beach. Again, thanks for asking! France

France, Proud Owner of

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