Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: ...and for the 7 people that still use Mike 1&2...

odeathoflife opened this issue on May 05, 2004 ยท 27 posts

Walt Sterdan posted Thu, 20 May 2004 at 1:40 AM

Aiko is a slightly anime/manga-styled character done for Stephanie 1: Maiko is the name Xena gave the male morph included with Aiko. As far as I know, I'm probably the only one doing anything with Maiko (and you thought Mike2 had few champions). ;-) I like the characters for their unique look, not Vickie-Mike real, but not *too* toony. I'd kill for a few of the head morphs that V2/V3/M2/M3 have. -- Walt Sterdan, Freelance