Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Call Me A Featherhead ...

Byrdie opened this issue on May 31, 2004 ยท 21 posts

HaiGan posted Tue, 01 June 2004 at 4:36 AM

I've tried the Karati suit from Daz for Jedi stuff, combined with the morphing trenchcoat for the swishier skirts, but it was a lot of work for only average results. PoserWorld has a pseudo-Jedi costume, and some of the kimono-style clothing can be adapted reasonably well. Another one I've found is Xena's JF outfit (at PoserPros)- it makes the basis of a reasonable Jedi outfit. I transparancied away the loose belt end, sticking-out overtunic shoulders and the long bottom section of the inner and outter tunics (I actually created a new material group for that part), stuck it on over Mike's bodysuit (for the close-fitting inner tunic sleeves), and used some primitives for the basis of the obi and belt, with postwork after rendering. You wouldn't need to remove the bottom section of the tunics if you were trying for the longer style worn by the older Obi-Wan, either, Or, of course, you could just go for Luke's jumpsuit. :)