Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: - Any Good?

spacedragon1234 opened this issue on Jun 10, 2004 ยท 53 posts

Lyrra posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 1:47 PM

I only just finished the Index this week, so I don't think we've made a sitelink for it yet. That was an awful lot of work, but needed. Man but there's all sorts of weird stuff in there! The PDF is sorted by figure (for clothing) and by category for props. So you can look in the Index, then use the search and hopefully find what you're looking for faster. I certainly found some things I'd forgotten about :) I'm going to update the index about once a month (hopefully). Its a whopping document, 80 pages, so it takes a while to distill to PDF. And yes, the pictures turn into Seurat, nothing to be done about it. If you need crisper pictures email me and I can make a less compressed file and send it, but its going to be about 20 megs. I am indeed repacking all the older content to make them easy install. I'm also adding MAT files for anything with multiple textures, and fixing cr2's so they have 'proper' texture references. Right now I'm concentrating on the web content, and I'll get to the CD archives someday. Poser4male (dork) is repacked, and I'm fixing one last file on the Poser4Female (posette) clothing items. As for customer support .. well we do our best. There's a forum, mailing list and fairly soon there will be a chat. as many of you guys know I like to hang out in chat while I'm working, so I figure its time I got one of my own :) We would like to support some of the lesser known figures, but we have demand, we have time issues and we don't have some of them. Steve just got his hands on Dina, I only just got Steph3 and the Milhorse. Frankly, there's the two of us and a To Do list as long as my arm .. that we keep adding stuff onto lol If DAZ would slow down a little we might catch up faster :) Is PoserWorld a good value? well ... if all you make are pinups with minimal clothing, then maybe no. If you make mostly landscapes, than probably no. Fetish scenes? ah, definately not. But if you want modern clothes, modern interiors, accurate historical clothing, modern props, fantasy clothing that seems plausible (no stickum bras, sorry) then probably yeah .. PoserWorld is good for you. If nothing else you'll get some great background props without having to mortgage your liver.